Media Center

Located in the center of the Middle School and High School combined campus, the Media Center provides students with many services to enhance their learning experience. Stacks full of fiction and non-fiction books line the room. There is a long table with built-in charging ports for laptops as well as a section with five rows of Mac desktop computers. The Media Center has several “breakout” rooms and many comfortable seating areas where students can work collaboratively or independently.


Mrs. Baeckmann, Extended Leave Teacher,
Ms. Eyton-Jones, Media Center Teaching Assistant,
CDMS/HS Phone: 518-622-8543 ext. 58000

Mrs. Rell, CDE Library Media Specialist,
CDE Phone: 518-622-3231


Library Catalogs

Click the icons below to access library catalogs.

Elementary School

follett destiny library catalog click here

Middle/High School

follett destiny library catalog click here

sora ap

eBooks & Audiobooks

You can download best-selling and classic audiobooks and eBooks using the free Sora app. An eBook is a digital version of a book that you can read on an electronic reader, phone, or computer screen. An audiobook is a recorded reading of a book.

Use the free Sora app to browse the collection and check out items with your school library number (ask your school librarian for your number). You can download eBooks or audiobooks from home onto your computer, phone, tablet, e-reader, or mp3 player - even when school is closed. Items will automatically be returned to the library when they are due.

Research Databases

The District maintains accounts with many research databases. Unlike searching with Google, these are collections of articles focused on specific topics and are more useful for research and school projects. Click the icons below to access research databases.

If a password is required for the following sites, please see a library staff member.


Gale & Britannica


Scholarly resources include databases, primary sources and more

World Book Online

World Book Online

Engaging and trustworthy resources for all ages and reading levels

News & Current Events

Country Watch

country watch

Up-to-date news and information on each of the recognized countries of the world

Issues & Controversies

facts on file issues and controversies

Key facts, arguments, history, and current context of today's most important and timely issues


newsbank inc.

Current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles and other news media sources

Music & Videos



Provides schools with streaming access to thousands of movies and documentaries


PowerKnowledge Science

PowerKnowledge Life Science

A content-driven, visually stimulating, and media-rich online science resource specifically designed for Grades 3-6

Other Tools

Noodle Tools

noodle tools

An online research management platform that promotes critical thinking and authentic research


teaching books

Multimedia resources for exploring children's and young adult books and their authors

eBook Collections

Rosen’s Spotlight on New York, American History, Ancient Civilizations

rosen learning center