two senior boys in green sweatshirts standing on either side or Mr. Corbett

Congratulations to James Mutinsky and Robert Lampman (pictured here with Mr. Tom Corbett their top-notch AP English teacher) for being selected as co-students of the month.  If you are lucky enough to know either of these CDHS Seniors you know that each is worthy of the honor and are perfect examples of the kind of scholars, athletes, and humanitarians we are trying to produce as a school and community.  

Both James and Robert are very involved in school life, taking a full load of AP and Honors classes, participating in Varsity Soccer and Basketball, National Honor Society, after-school tutoring, and even helping out with things like the school musical (when they needed a two-man team to play a camel in Joseph).  Both boys lead by example and are excellent role models to the students in our building.  

James plans on becoming a veterinarian after school and Robert will be pursuing a degree in the field of Biology.  

Again, congratulations to these two outstanding young men who contribute to our school in such a positive manner every day!