Dear CDHS families,
As you may be aware we will be administering final exams for all of our local and Regents courses. Most local courses will offer an in-class final exam or project before the last day of full classes on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Your child’s teacher will communicate with them about test dates and due dates for projects. All final exams count for 10% toward final course averages (20% for semester courses) so your child should work hard to prepare for them to do their very best.
Between June 15th-23rd only students who have an exam or a review class need to attend. See important exam information below and click here to download the complete June 2022 exam and review class schedule.
REGENTS and selected Non-Regents Testing
Some teachers have elected to administer final exams during the Regents week. These classes are noted in this calendar along with the scheduled Regents exams. As a reminder, the New York State Education Department recently announced the cancellation of the U.S. History Regents exam. The U.S. History local final exam will be Tuesday, June 21st (as noted in this schedule).
BUSSING During Regents Exam Week (6/15-6/24)
7:00 a.m. – Pick-up for all exams (AM and PM)
11:45 a.m. – Transport home only
3:30 p.m. – Transportation home
ARRIVAL Procedure
All students arriving in the morning will enter the main entrance and go through the check in station where they will turn in all electronic devices, including cell phones, backpacks, and other personal items for safe keeping. Once checked, students will proceed to the Cafe where they can get breakfast and await admission into the testing sites. Students arriving in the morning for an afternoon exam can check in the same way and get breakfast, then report to the Media Center. Teachers offering review sessions will come to the Media Center to collect their students and escort them to and from their rooms.
Students that are late for a Regents exam can be admitted until 10:00 a.m. for morning exams and 2:00 p.m. for afternoon exams but will only have until normal ending time to finish. Students that miss an exam will need to take it in August. Any student who has a conflict (Regents and local final on the same day) please communicate with your counselor and teachers. Arrangements will be made to complete both exams at the earliest convenience.
REVIEW Books and Classes
Review books have been ordered for all students taking Regents exams and will be passed out in school. Review classes are being run in all courses according to this schedule.
If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance, please call us in the high school office at 518-622-8543.
Jeremy Moore
Cairo-Durham High School Principal