Fashion Design students had fun creating colorful tie-dye shirts!
over 2 years ago, C-D High School
four students at an art work table wearing plastic gloves while they tie-dye shirts
a female student holds up a red, orange and blue tie-dyed t-shirt at a sink
a female student holds up a red, purple and blue tie-dyed t-shirt at a sink
a female student holds up a red, purple and blue tie-dyed t-shirt
May is Mental Health Awareness and Prevention Month. Did you know that mental health impacts our physical well-being and our ability to focus and learn in the classroom? While mental health is always a priority, these past couple of years have been especially difficult so it is more important than ever to care for ourselves and support others. During the month of May, we are encouraging all staff and students to wear green for Wellness Wednesdays. In addition to wearing green, we have shared our May Prevention calendar, provided by Twin Counties Recovery Services Inc. This calendar suggests healthy activities and coping strategies to help create a healthy mindset. Remember that everyone matters, your story matters and reach out if you need support! #mentalhealthmatters
over 2 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
May 2022 calendar
AP Euro students are ready to review 1000 years of western civ history with their guru Mrs. G.
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Moore
AP Euro students
students prepping for an AP exam
Mrs G writing on board
Now hiring Middle/High School Spanish teachers! There are two upcoming vacancies. Get application details here:
over 2 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Some pretty special students and people right here. Thought we’d get an extra special photo for them #pbis #character #hardwork #perseverence #kindness #settinggoals #Mustangs
over 2 years ago, Jeremy Moore
students recognized
Over the break, our IT team installed dozens of Promethean Boards in CDE classrooms. These interactive whiteboards are one of the newest innovations in instructional technology and they easily integrate with the Google Chromebooks and apps already used by faculty and students, making it easier for teachers to display and interact with content. The District used federal funds from the American Rescue Plan to purchase more than 80 Promethean Boards, which will be installed in almost every classroom in the district by September. Learn more:
over 2 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
two girls work on long division problems using an interactive whiteboard
the back of the heads of two boys seated at classrooms desks using Chromebooks and interacting with content on an interactive white board that a teacher touches with his hand
two girls and a boy touch the screen of an interactive whiteboard and play a number game
two girls and a boy work on long division problems using an interactive whiteboard
It’s Quiz Night and 14 teams of students 9-12th grade are ready to go!
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
student teams registering for Quiz Night
kids in auditorium
teams waiting for the contest
mr Quinn quiz night host
CDHS Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, April 27th, in the high school gym. Anyone interested in donating blood can sign up here by clicking "See Times" for Cairo-Durham High School:
almost 3 years ago, C-D High School
We have three new job postings for teaching positions to start in September: middle/high school Spanish, high school English, and high school Physical Education. Get details here:
almost 3 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Members of the CDHS Interact Club donated $500 to help Cairo Rotary purchase a “shelter box” for refugees from Ukraine. The shelter box will provide a tent-like shelter for 15-20 individuals and it includes essential supplies such as a water filtration system and blankets. Students Natalie McGuire and Jessica Baeckmann sold baked goods to help raise funds for this humanitarian effort. Although the CDHS Interact Club usually focuses its community service efforts on local needs, McGuire shared that it also provides opportunities to offer assistance in other places where people need help. Pictured (left to right): Beau Loendorf (Cairo Rotary president), Natalie McGuire, Dr. Michelle Reed (Cairo-Durham CSD Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction), Jessica Baeckmann
almost 3 years ago, C-D High School
pictured indoors at a local restaurant are Beau Loendorf (Cairo Rotary president), Natalie McGuire, Dr. Michelle Reed (Cairo-Durham CSD Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction), Jessica Baeckmann
One of my favorite weekly responsibilities. #Recognizingothersfortheircontributions #responsibility #respect #sacrifice #kindness #relationships #integrity #besteffort #personalgrowth #mustangs #needtwodzndonuts #CDHS #PBIS
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
list of honorees
We have three new job postings for teaching positions: middle school science, K-5 elementary teacher, and K-12 English as a New Language. Get details here:
almost 3 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Congratulations to Justin Kahler and Sam Winig for receiving awards at the 23rd Annual High School Regional Juried Art Exhibition! Senior Justin Kahler’s submission of an original wooden chest was honored with the Lory Tansky 3D Award. Sam Winig, a sophomore, received the Sponsor Spotlight Award for a mixed media portrait created for Digital Photography. Students Chloe Cunningham and Tatyanna Young also had artwork selected for this competitive regional art exhibit. Read more about the show on our website:
almost 3 years ago, C-D High School
mixed media digital photograph
multi-colored wood chest with antler handle on the front
mixed media digital photograph
mixed media digital photograph
Get the April cafeteria menus at your fingertips with the Cairo-Durham CSD mobile app! The app also provides easy access to school news and events. It’s free! Just search “Cairo-Durham CSD” wherever you get your apps. Watch this video for a quick tutorial on using our new app:
almost 3 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
breakfast and lunch cafeteria menu
screenshot of app news feed with blurbs and photos of school news and events
screenshot of app menu
School is in session on Monday, 3/28, despite a shading error in the printed calendar.
almost 3 years ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
A rare double teenager reader sighting in the cafeteria today. Let’s go!! #Lenesha #Jessica #GraveMercy #Before #bookrecommendations #respect #weneed100morejustlikethesetwo #CDHS
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
kids at lunch
Lenesha and her book recommendation
Jessica’s book recommendation
What a difference a backdrop can make. #CDHS #morning #noon #probablyshouldhavegoneforthenightpictoo
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
school in the afternoon
school in the morning
When you’re in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade you make the most of it #Mustangs #Cairodurham #StPatricksDayParade #NYC
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
Marching Band in NYC
Olivia holding a trombone
Band in front of St Peters Cathedral
 Marching Band in NYC
St. Patrick’s Day Parade take 2 #Warnerbrothers #Maggiosisters #Feeneydrummagic #Cairodurhamfamily #marchingband
almost 3 years ago, Jeremy Moore
Feeney on drums
Warner brothers
Maggie sisters
Students taking a math Topics class with Ms. Ivino embraced a project that combined mathematics with architecture and physics. First, they researched different types of bridges then created a blueprint to construct their own structures. Ms. Ivino’s Topics class crosses curriculums and focuses on the interdisciplinary study of math. We love to see the collaboration!
almost 3 years ago, C-D High School
high school girl seated at classroom desk working on project with hot glue gun and popsicle sticks
high school girl seated at classroom desk working on project with hot glue gun and popsicle sticks
three high school boys seated at classroom desks working on project with hot glue gun and popsicle sticks