Dear 7th Grade Parents/Guardians,
On Friday, October 15, 2021, students in 7th grade will be participating in a Frost Valley School Outreach Program. We are excited that our field trip will be coming to our C-D campus! Frost Valley will bring a team of program instructors to our school for a full day of programs. The program will be hands-on, interactive, and engaging - building upon and reinforcing our in-school curriculum.
Some of the programs we will be participating in are listed below:
Ecology and Science
Team building Activities
Stewardship and Conservation
Outdoor Skills
Arts with Nature
All staff are fully vaccinated and prepared to follow our school policy. Students will work in groups and follow social distancing guidelines.
***Please have your children wear sneakers. They are required for some of the activities. Also be sure they wear extra layers of clothing as we cannot predict the fall weather and we will be working outside.
***Please have your child bring a water bottle.
Thank you for your continued support,
The 7th Grade Team