Congratulations to Gianna Race from Mrs. Williams' class for completing the book series "Dork Diaries". She received a Cutie's give card for her tremendous job! Additionally, Julian, Isabella, Casey and Mara from Ms. Whitbeck's 3rd grade class received ice cream gift cards from Stewart's for almost completing a series. Way to go, Mustangs!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Book Series Competition
Book Series Competition
Can't make it to graduation tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium? We have you covered! Be sure to check out the Cairo-Durham CSD Facebook page around 7:15 p.m. tonight ( for a livestream link to view!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Today, the Class of 2023 took one final trip through the halls of CDES before interacting with this year's Kindergarten class, the Class of 2035!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Kindergarten/Class of 2023 pic
Class of 2023 Walk Through
Class of 2023 Walk Through
Class of 2023 Walk through
Class of 2023 Walk through
Cairo-Durham Elementary School had a blast with Field Day last week as we get ready to end the school year and welcome summer!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
CDES Field Day
The Cairo-Durham Central School District would like to send a special shoutout to our four-legged friend, K-9 Mac, who recently was recognized at a higher tier of therapy dog certification as "Therapy Dog Excellent". We are proud of and thank you for all you do, K-9 Mac!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
K-9 Mac Recognition
Last week was a ton of fun watching our Pre-K classes hold their respective Moving-Up Ceremonies! Congratulations to our amazing students and best of luck in Kindergarten!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
The students in Mrs. Rice’s and Mrs. Lopez’s class went camping on June 16! First, they worked as a team to create a giant tent. Then they created and told camping stories, poems, jokes, and recipes around a fire! As night settled in, everyone listened to and identified forest night sounds. Bears, peepers, bullfrogs, coyotes and more! Did you know that deer snort? They do! Finally, the class made s’mores! Mr. Stein joined the students around the fire and listed to their creations! It was a great day and night at Camp Rice/Lopez!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Camp Rice Lopez
Ms. Flubacher's 5th grade class participated Genius Hour Projects for an end-of-year activity. This is the students' time to be a teacher for the day by researching a topic of their choosing and interest, but must be approved first! The class practiced taking notes and researching information pertaining to their topics. Once they researched, students then needed to put together a presentation (Google Slides, a website, poster, etc.). On the day of the presentation, the students had to teach their classmates about their topic with a 15-minute lesson and an activity for the class to complete at the end to see what they learned from the presentation! Students enjoyed taking ownership of their learning and sharing their interests with the class! Topics included gardening, various animals, dirt bikes, how to speak Spanish and many more!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher for the day
Teacher For A Day
Science is SWEET! Check out Ms. Prinz and Ms. Wagor's 5th grade classes collaborating to make homemade ice cream
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
5th grade makes ice cream
The students in Mrs. Lopez's and Mrs. Rice's Class showed their appreciation to the amazing kitchen staff at Cairo Durham Elementary School on June 14! The students hand delivered invitations to each member of the kitchen staff a week in advance and then prepared a wonderful luncheon for them. The students set the table with charger plates, linens, napkin rings, handmade place cards and flowers. They prepared and served baked ziti, tossed salad, garlic bread and fruit. Soda, juice, and three different desserts were also available. Mrs. Lopez, Mrs. Rice, and all of the students truly appreciate the dedication and kindness the kitchen staff display each day to everyone at CDE.
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Rice/Lopez Class Gives Back
Rice/Lopez Class Gives Back
Rice/Lopez Class gives back
Looking to send your K-7th grade student to a youth summer camp in July and August? Check out the S.U.N. Summer Camp in Haines Falls offered by Twin County Recovery Services! You can register by emailing or by calling 518-943-2036 ext. 3311.
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
S.U.N. Summer Camp
Ms. Wagor's 5th grade class had fun with Squishy Circuits today! Students learned how to make a circuit for a fan and for a beeper. Thank you to Ms. Macaluso for facilitating the lesson with materials from Questar III model schools.
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
Circuts with Miss Wagor's Class
On June 12, Mrs. Lopez's and Mrs. Rice's 3rd grade class celebrated Donut Day by learning marketing strategies and pitching new food ideas. Students then worked with partners to develop a new donut for Dunkin' Donuts. Each group was tasked with creating a unique donut, describing it in detail, naming it, drawing it, and pitching why their donut was so special and would be a top seller. After presenting their creations to the class, students walked to Dunkin' Donuts and pitched their ideas to the management team. The team then provided 2 dozen donuts for the students to enjoy! All of the students' unique creations/posters are on display at the Dunkin' Donuts on Main Street in Cairo. Here are some of the extraordinary ideas! -Cold Cream -Doggie Delicious -Blue Raspberry Ocean Breeze -Rainbow Road -Super Chocolate Volcano -Coffee Surprise -Cookies and Cream Catastrophe A very special thank you to the Dunkin' Donuts Management Team, Liz D., John H. and Danny P., for their collaboration on this educational, fun project and for providing the students with so many delicious donuts! An additional thank you goes to Mrs. Diamond and Mrs. Rozzie for accompanying the class on our trip.
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Dunkin' Donuts Trip
Congratulations to Ms. Sniffen's 4th grade class for winning the homework contest sponsored by the Oak Hill Fire Department! The class was treated to a pizza party with some members of the fire department!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Oak Hill FD Pizza Party
Oak Hill FD Pizza Party
Oak Hill FD Pizza Party
Oak Hill FD Pizza Party
Tons of fun in Ms. Prinz's 5th grade class as the students participate in countdown to the end of the year activities!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Prinz Countdown Project
Today pro BMX rider Mannie Nogueira performed for our students. He did amazing stunts, and spoke about following your dreams and never giving up. Big thank you to the PTA for organizing the assembly!
about 1 year ago, Chris Stein
bmx bike tricks
Mannie talking to students
bike tricks
bike tricks
bike tricks
Today was Hawaiian Day for the Rice/Lopez 3rd grade class! In addition to beach clothing and Hawaiian Music, students enjoyed fresh fruit skewers and a chocolate fountain! The students and staff had a fabulous time tasting new foods and smothering fruit in warm, flowing chocolate. A special thank you to Mr. Andrew Riley from A&G Amusements for donating the chocolate fountain for the day!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Rice/Lopez Hawaiian Day
Rice/Lopez Hawaiian Day
Rice/Lopez Hawaiian Day
Rice/Lopez Hawaiian Day
Ms. Rice's class has been studying fairy tales in reading and writing class. Yesterday, students read and watched the fairytale, Cinderella. They learned there were a couple of different versions of the story Cinderella. Students compared and contrasted the fairy tale books to the Disney movie and then completed a STEM activity. Students worked in small groups to create Cinderella's pumpkin carriage. Their main objective was to use given materials and use their critical thinking skills to turn those materials into a carriage that rolls. They had full creativity with limited rules. These pictures show the students creating and working on the carriages in their small groups. Way to go, students!
about 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Rice Class Experiment
Take a look at Miss Wagor's 5th Grade class at CDES completing their Must Do/May Do assignments during Math! Students have a list of assignments/activities they MUST complete by the end of this week. When they complete them, they MAY do any of the fun, educational options listed! While this is occurring, Miss Wagor pulls small groups to teach the current standard. This allows for personal, differentiated instruction based on student ability! The Must Do/May Do models allows students to strengthen their time management skills, take ownership of their work and demonstrate independence. Way to go students!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Must Do May Do
Must Do May Do
Must Do May Do
Must Do May Do
Must Do May Do
Must Do May Do
PICS: A special treat for our Cairo-Durham Elementary School students as they were able to see a helicopter land on the soccer field! All students had the opportunity to look inside and speak with professionals representing Life Net through Albany Medical Center!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES
Helicopter at CDES