REMINDER: There will be no school on Friday, May 26! We'll see you back on Tuesday, May 30! Enjoy the extended weekend and Memorial Day holiday!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Memorial Day No School
Attention prospective 2023-24 Pre-K Families: The lottery drawing for full-day Pre-K for the 2023-24 school year will take place on May 31 at 1:30 p.m. Completed registration packets to be included in the lottery drawing are due to the Elementary School Main Office by May 26. Only 18 full-day slots are available for the 2023-24 school year. The drawing will be recorded and parents/guardians are allowed to attend. The District is still accepting half-day AM/PM Pre-K applications, as well. Those applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. For more information, please contact Joanne Cleary at 518-622-3231. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, The Cairo-Durham Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
The Cairo Durham 3rd grade visited the Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station during the week of May 15! At the preserve, students participated in a discussion about invasive species and three types of crayfish, used nets to catch and collect crayfish, and analyzed, identified and counted the crayfish. In addition, all of the students went on a hike where they saw several different types of trees and plants, an abandoned beaver lodge, a newly constructed beaver lodge, a beaver dam, Canadian Geese and more. They even heard an owl hooting in the distance. A special thank you to all of the chaperones, Mrs. Diamond (CDES RN), Mrs. Rozzie CDES Counselor) and their amazing hosts, Ann and Lynn, for an extremely educational and fun day for all! For information about 2023 Huyck Preserve’s Summer Program dates, pricing, and/or scholarships, please visit
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Rice/Lopez Field Trip
Students in Ms. Wilcox class put their phonics skills to the test as they read challenging words during a games based literacy activity.
over 1 year ago, Chris Stein
teacher showing a student a word to read
students reading a word
students finding rhyming words
Students in Ms. Sniffen's class were testing how energy transfers from stored to active motion using marbles!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Sniffen Science Class
Sniffen Science Class
Sniffen Science Class
Sniffen Science Class
Attention prospective 2023-24 Pre-K Families: The lottery drawing for full-day Pre-K for the 2023-24 school year will take place on May 31 at 1:30 p.m. Completed registration packets to be included in the lottery drawing are due to the Elementary School Main Office by May 26. Only 18 full-day slots are available for the 2023-24 school year. The drawing will be recorded and parents/guardians are allowed to attend. The District is still accepting half-day AM/PM Pre-K applications, as well. Those applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. For more information, please contact Joanne Cleary at 518-622-3231. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, The Cairo-Durham Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2023 CDES Principal Named 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year Cairo, NY – The Cairo-Durham Central School District is elated to announce Cairo-Durham Elementary School Principal Christopher Stein was named the 2023 Firefighters Association of the State of New York’s (FASNY) Teacher of the Year on May 19. Stein, CDES Principal since 2018, has emphasized the importance of fire safety and prevention by prioritizing lessons, drills and trainings with local first responders. “Mr. Stein has gone above and beyond for the students of Cairo-Durham Elementary School when it comes to fire safety and prevention,” said Superintendent Michael Wetherbee. “Due in part to Mr. Stein’s efforts to elevate the importance of response and attentiveness in crisis situations, K-5 students at Cairo-Durham Elementary School are able to efficiently respond to the active situation in a safe and responsible manner.” In a formal press release for FASNY, the association’s president Edward Tase Jr. commended Stein’s ability to educate young minds on the significance of fire safety. “We are very proud to present the FASNY Teacher of the Year award to Principal Christopher Stein,” said Tase Jr. “Mr. Stein has shown a deep personal dedication to the cause of spreading fire prevention information to the children in his school and their families. Even in the face of a worldwide pandemic, Mr. Stein and his team made sure that their students continued to receive important fire prevention information monthly – including homework assignments! Our state’s 80,000 volunteer firefighters salute Principal Christopher Stein as our Teacher of the Year.”
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Chris Stein 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year
Chris Stein 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year
Chris Stein 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year
Chris Stein 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year
Chris Stein 2023 FASNY Teacher of the Year
On May 16, 5th grade students in Ms. Flubacher's class had the opportunity to walk around and experience the cultural fair that was presented by the 6th graders as well as meet their future teachers at CDMS!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Flubacher Class goes to CDHS
Seeing double? We sure are! CDES Social Worker Meghan Stalter and 4th grade teacher Meghann Sniffen recently embraced "twinning" to the full extent! Way to go!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Twin Day
Twin Day
Attention prospective 2023-24 Pre-K Families: The lottery drawing for full-day Pre-K for the 2023-24 school year will take place on May 31 at 1:30 p.m. Completed registration packets to be included in the lottery drawing are due to the Elementary School Main Office by May 26. Only 18 full-day slots are available for the 2023-24 school year. The drawing will be recorded and parents/guardians are allowed to attend. The District is still accepting half-day AM/PM Pre-K applications, as well. Those applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. For more information, please contact Joanne Cleary at 518-622-3231. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, The Cairo-Durham Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Looking to send your K-7th grade student to a youth summer camp in July and August? Check out the S.U.N. Summer Camp in Haines Falls offered by Twin County Recovery Services! You can register by emailing or by calling 518-943-2036 ext. 3311.
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
S.U.N. Summer Camp
Second grade students in Mrs. Thompson's/Ms. Bowen's class looked at real (dead) bees to identify their body parts and see how pollen sticks to the hairs on a bee when they collect nectar from flowers. The class supports "No Mow May:, a movement to not mow your lawn all month long to give bees plenty of spots to get their food and pollinate plants!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
Bee lesson
The 5th grade team at CDES had the opportunity to experience an authentic Mexican restaurant, Casa Vallarte in Lake Katrine, on Cinco de Mayo! The students used the money they raised through the Coffee Cart at CDES!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
Cinco de Mayo Field Trip
The annual Budget Vote & Board of Education election will take place TODAY from 1-9 p.m. in the Distance Learning room at Cairo-Durham High School (signs will be posted). Final results will be posted on our website and social media when available! For more information on the 2023-24 budget proposal and Board of Education election can be found here:
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Budget Vote
Attention prospective 2023-24 Pre-K Families: The lottery drawing for full-day Pre-K for the 2023-24 school year will take place on May 31 at 1:30 p.m. Completed registration packets to be included in the lottery drawing are due to the Elementary School Main Office by May 26. Only 18 full-day slots are available for the 2023-24 school year. The drawing will be recorded and parents/guardians are allowed to attend. The District is still accepting half-day AM/PM Pre-K applications, as well. Those applications will be accepted until all slots are filled. For more information, please contact Joanne Cleary at 518-622-3231. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. Sincerely, The Cairo-Durham Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Check out this brave 3rd grade student trying sushi and Japanese soda for the first time! Way to go!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
The annual Cairo-Durham Art Exhibit is BACK on May 16 from 5-7 p.m. at the C-D MS/HS campus! Looking forward to seeing you all there with the amazing artwork from our K-12 students!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
CD Art Show
The students in Mrs. Lopez’s and Ms. Rice’s 3rd Grade class at Cairo Durham Elementary School recently initiated and completed an amazing community project titled 100,010 Smiles! Each day, the students at CDES engage in a Positivity Project lesson, which is part of a character education curriculum that is dedicated to empowering students to build stronger and more positive relationships. One of 24 character traits is emphasized each week in order to help students recognize the strengths in themselves and others. Mrs. Lopez and Ms. Rice begin their day with these extraordinary lessons. In addition to the trait of the week, "kindness" is emphasized each morning. The 3rd graders share a random act of kindness every morning and have learned that being kind to others will also help them feel better about themselves especially when they are going through a rough time. During these discussions, the class decided to complete a P2 Kindness Project. It started out as a simple plan to create cards for the residents at The Pines in Catskill, NY. 17 students-17 cards. As the conversations continued, the students felt that they wanted to create a card for each resident. Research concluded that there were approximately 130 residents at The Pines, so that became their goal. Further discussion led the students to the idea that the people at The Pines would love to have a card accompany their meals. The students practiced writing complete sentences and drawing pictures during ELA, free time and at home until 137 cards were completed! The project became a major topic during math instruction as well, as the students solved multiplication and word problems. During this time, the project evolved again and again. The final plan became to have the cards laminated and make it a goal for The Pines to deliver 137 cards for 2 years. If you do the math, this will result in 100,010 smiles! The students and teachers are extremely excited about their 100,010 Smiles Project. Students made t-shirts for themselves and the administration, and visited The Pines on May 11 in order to hand deliver lunch cards! The students visited two dining rooms and spoke to residents as they shared their words and drawings. Callum Molloy and Patrick Palmieri also played their Tin Whistles as a special surprise. Everyone had a fabulous time! Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Rice and the students would like to thank Mrs. Harp from The Pines, and CDES Principal Christopher Stein for helping them coordinate the event. They would also like to convey their sincere appreciation to Hope Restoration in Windham and Jennifer from Two Brothers Pizza in Cairo for helping them celebrate the efforts of these extraordinary students with a special meal and more!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
The students in Mrs. Lopez’s and Ms. Rice’s 3rd Grade class at Cairo Durham Elementary School recently initiated and completed an amazing community project titled 100,010 Smiles! Each day, the students at CDES engage in a Positivity Project lesson, which is part of a character education curriculum that is dedicated to empowering students to build stronger and more positive relationships. One of 24 character traits is emphasized each week in order to help students recognize the strengths in themselves and others. Mrs. Lopez and Ms. Rice begin their day with these extraordinary lessons. In addition to the trait of the week, "kindness" is emphasized each morning. The 3rd graders share a random act of kindness every morning and have learned that being kind to others will also help them feel better about themselves especially when they are going through a rough time. During these discussions, the class decided to complete a P2 Kindness Project. It started out as a simple plan to create cards for the residents at The Pines in Catskill, NY. 17 students-17 cards. As the conversations continued, the students felt that they wanted to create a card for each resident. Research concluded that there were approximately 130 residents at The Pines, so that became their goal. Further discussion led the students to the idea that the people at The Pines would love to have a card accompany their meals. The students practiced writing complete sentences and drawing pictures during ELA, free time and at home until 137 cards were completed! The project became a major topic during math instruction as well, as the students solved multiplication and word problems. During this time, the project evolved again and again. The final plan became to have the cards laminated and make it a goal for The Pines to deliver 137 cards for 2 years. If you do the math, this will result in 100,010 smiles! The students and teachers are extremely excited about their 100,010 Smiles Project. Students made t-shirts for themselves and the administration, and visited The Pines on May 11 in order to hand deliver lunch cards! The students visited two dining rooms and spoke to residents as they shared their words and drawings. Callum Molloy and Patrick Palmieri also played their Tin Whistles as a special surprise. Everyone had a fabulous time! Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Rice and the students would like to thank Mrs. Harp from The Pines, and CDES Principal Christopher Stein for helping them coordinate the event. They would also like to convey their sincere appreciation to Hope Restoration in Windham and Jennifer from Two Brothers Pizza in Cairo for helping them celebrate the efforts of these extraordinary students with a special meal and more!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
Pines Donation
The students in Mrs. Lopez’s and Ms. Rice’s 3rd Grade class at Cairo Durham Elementary School recently initiated and completed an amazing community project titled 100,010 Smiles! Each day, the students at CDES engage in a Positivity Project lesson, which is part of a character education curriculum that is dedicated to empowering students to build stronger and more positive relationships. One of 24 character traits is emphasized each week in order to help students recognize the strengths in themselves and others. Mrs. Lopez and Ms. Rice begin their day with these extraordinary lessons. In addition to the trait of the week, "kindness" is emphasized each morning. The 3rd graders share a random act of kindness every morning and have learned that being kind to others will also help them feel better about themselves especially when they are going through a rough time. During these discussions, the class decided to complete a P2 Kindness Project. It started out as a simple plan to create cards for the residents at The Pines in Catskill, NY. 17 students-17 cards. As the conversations continued, the students felt that they wanted to create a card for each resident. Research concluded that there were approximately 130 residents at The Pines, so that became their goal. Further discussion led the students to the idea that the people at The Pines would love to have a card accompany their meals. The students practiced writing complete sentences and drawing pictures during ELA, free time and at home until 137 cards were completed! The project became a major topic during math instruction as well, as the students solved multiplication and word problems. During this time, the project evolved again and again. The final plan became to have the cards laminated and make it a goal for The Pines to deliver 137 cards for 2 years. If you do the math, this will result in 100,010 smiles! The students and teachers are extremely excited about their 100,010 Smiles Project. Students made t-shirts for themselves and the administration, and visited The Pines on May 11 in order to hand deliver lunch cards! The students visited two dining rooms and spoke to residents as they shared their words and drawings. Callum Molloy and Patrick Palmieri also played their Tin Whistles as a special surprise. Everyone had a fabulous time! Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Rice and the students would like to thank Mrs. Harp from The Pines, and CDES Principal Christopher Stein for helping them coordinate the event. They would also like to convey their sincere appreciation to Hope Restoration in Windham and Jennifer from Two Brothers Pizza in Cairo for helping them celebrate the efforts of these extraordinary students with a special meal and more!
over 1 year ago, Cairo-Durham CSD
Jazmine Mackey and Devin Lujbli hold the 100,010 Smiles banner in the classroom.
Mr. Stein, Mrs. Lopez, Ms. Rice and Mrs. Harp (The Pines)  with students at The Pines
Andrew Riley and Jazmine Mackey presenting Mrs. Harp from the Pines with 137 Meal Cards
Vincent Pernice, Traesean Dunckle, Patrick Palmieri
Callum Molloy and Patrick Pamieri playing the Tin Whistles at the Pines
Nicole Beaulieu with a resident